Tournament Formats:
1. Flying High with the Eagle: Format, Regular Spades, 10 hand limit, Full games
in the finals, DN Not Allowed, DN is an automatic DQ so please don't bid it.
2. Wild Eagles Hades Spades: Format, Double Nil, All four players must bid Double Nil, The only Bid allowed is Double Nil, No Hand Limit, Best of 5 games series. Misbids:In the event of a Misbid, the team that misbid loses that game, but not the series, reseat and continue playing the series.
3. Wild Eagle Suicide Spades: Format: Suicide, One partner from each team must bid nil, If your partner bids anything but nil you must bid nil, If your partner bids nil then you bid regular, No DN allowed, 8 hand limit, 16 hand limit in finals. Misbids: 1 misbid allowed in rd1 only, In the event of a misbid in rd1 the team that misbid is set -100 points, opponents get 100 points, reseat and manual score balance of game.
Tournament Rules:
All tournaments participants must follow the Zone Code of Conduct. If you are not familiar with the Zone Code of conduct please review it prior to entering any Tournaments
*** Tournament Rules ***
Remember! Have Fun All!!... Tournaments provide you with quality competition and enjoyment.
Be considerate of others and have a great time.
1. Table Options: Always leave Kibitz ON and Cards must be hidden at all times unless the tournament host requests otherwise. Disabling animation permits faster play.
2. Lags and Drop-Offs (2 + 5 Rule): If a player boots due to a 2-minute lag, it is the player's partner's responsibility to hold the last card in that hand 5 minutes. A Substitute Player will be provided if that player does not return to the game within 5 minutes.
If the last card in a hand is not held, the bot will play; if not held twice a row, the game will be forfeited. Players May have thier choice of subs in this situation, or request a sub from the Host Table.
3. Table talk is not permitted: Anything which influences how the
cards are played is considered Table Talk. Please keep table conversation limited to social and congratulatory comments only,game
play is to be discussed after the game only! TT =instant DQ
4. Communication Programs: All communication devices ICQ, NetMeeting, Yahoo Messenger. must be totally disabled. Zone Friends Must be put in Do Not Disturb (DND) mode.
5. Multitasking: Players may not participate in more than one tournament at a time.Nor Be kibbing or playing in any other room.
Warning will be issued to any Player present in another room but not kibbing or playing. Kibbing any other table besides the Host Table in the Tourney room during Game Play is also considered multitasking.
6. Attacks: We are all human and therefore do make mistakes please take that in consideration before you type a retaliation. All verbal abuse toward players or hosts = instant DQ (so please think before you type).
7- DQ: If a player/team is DQ'd due to a CoC violation or Any Other Rules Violation they will have to leave the table.
8. PROFANITY: Whether it is used at my table or at any other table it will not be allowed here and will get you DISQUALIFIED from this and future tournaments.
9. Kibitzers: Kibitzing is permitted provided it is not disruptive to any play and all players at the table agree that kibitzers should be allowed. Kibitz should be turned off only by permission of the host..
10. Reseating: If a player is booted before any cards played on the first hand of a Round. Players may reseat with Hosts Permission. Ater the First Hand is started there will be no reseating unless stated otherwise in rules or format.
11. Substitutions: If a booted player has not returned within 5 minutes, a substitute shall be called by the remaining player. Players who are out of the tourney may play as substitutes. If you have a sub for 3 CONSECUTIVE HANDS, that sub will remain your partner for the rest of the tourney. After a Sub has Completed One Game, that player will be considered the same as an original player for the rest of the tournament.
12. 3-drop rule: If a player drops or is disconnected 3 times during one game, the host may replace that player with a substitute.
13. Slow Play: Because we do not want anyone accused of cheating, Slow Play is STRONGLY discouraged.
14. Zone Rules: Entry to a Zone Endorsed Tournament constitutes the participants' agreement to abide by Zone Code of Conduct, rules and any additional rules imposed by the host.
15. PLEASE DO NOT CHEAT!!!!! If you feel the need to cheat, we would prefer you not join our tourney. If you have proof someone is cheating, let a host know. Suspicions or lagging do not constitute cheating. Please don't take it upon yourself to send messages to them to see if that is how they are cheating, let the HOST do that.
16. All decisions made by the Host Are final. No arguments With the Host/Hosts. If You Have a Question we will be happy to discuss the matter with you in private :o)
***Important Notes ***
1- In Case of Tie (same score) lowest bag team gets the win. If same bag #, 3 hand playoff will determine winner.
2- 5-minute breaks are allowed between games. If you must have an in-play break, try to hold the last card and announce BRB (Be Right Back) prior to leaving.
3- First team number will have choice of table. Please remember your Team's Number. Report as team # 1 Won Over # 2 round 1.
4- If you have any problems,suggestions, or concerns regarding any tournament, then please contact the ORACLE at [email protected]
